Monday, October 22, 2012

Invest In Physical EducationYour Health Journal | Your Health Journal

From PJ Star?..

Earlier this year, the Illinois Legislature passed and Gov. Quinn signed into law Senate Bill 3374, which establishes a state physical education task force in order to look further into research regarding physical activity and its correlation to academic achievement and cognitive functioning.

As a PE teacher and volunteer for the American Heart Association, I am very much in favor of this law, as it will help to show the relevance of physical education in the school curriculum. The American Heart Association said the following in regards to Senate Bill 3374:

?While Springfield-established task forces often come and go without significant impact, we believe that this particular task force has the potential to be different. It will bring together all major education and public health stakeholders for a dialogue we?ve not had in over a decade. The task force will look at years of scientific research on the linkages between fitness and learning and will make recommendations on the future of PE based on its findings. PE advocates who are concerned about the rising tide of childhood obesity are hopeful that this will spur the adults to come to consensus on the importance of PE for health and learning, and will result in improvements and increases in PE throughout the state.?

Research over the last few years has begun to show that physical activity can help to improve reading and math scores. The fact that mandatory physical education classes have been eliminated in many school districts across the nation suggests a lack of understanding among school administrators and the American public about the connection between physical activity and cognitive ability. The profession as a whole needs to increase its efforts to educate the public on the value of physical activity in schools as it pertains to the growth and development of children and adolescents.

To read the full story?..Click here

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